Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oops, I buried the lead!

It's possible my first three posts were a little too laden with my angst and frustration with the publishing piece of this adventure and the joy involved in the actual writing may have gotten overlooked.  There was an article in the WSJ today that said spouses should make a list of ten things they like about their spouse and carry it in their wallet.  IF I write that list I probably won't post it ;-) but I thought I'd see if I could make a list of 10 things I like about writing.  So here goes, in no particular order:
1) I like to rhyme really odd words like leiderhosen (I don't know I'm just supposin').
2) I like the act of filling a blank page with all sorts of scribbles, scratch outs, arrows and lists of rhymes for a variety of words.
3) I really like sharing my writing with people who don't write because they are always way more impressed than they should be.
4) I like having an excuse to read children's books even though I'm not reading to my son or a classroom anymore.
5) I like having to keep a note pad near my bed because some of my best ideas come to me in the middle of the night. (I've become very good at deciphering notes written in the dark).
6) I absolutely love when an idea comes together and all the pieces start to fit even if the words aren't quite perfect yet.
7) I like feeling creative.
8) I like that it is something I can do anywhere with no special supplies.
9) I like that I can create an emotional response in my readers and love to see people tear up or smile and laugh as they read something that I wrote.
10) I like that my efforts are fueled by hope and possibility, even if they are sometimes derailed by angst, frustration and fear.
What's on your list?


  1. I like your list Alison, and I would have to say that many of those same things would be on my list. Funny too that you should mention the WSJ because I'm in my parish's RCIA group and we referenced that article tonight in our meeting.

  2. I would agree with your list and add that I like thinking of myself as a writer. I just ordered business cards and added writer next to psychologist. It was strange but I liked it!

  3. Aww, this post gave me warm fuzzies. I might steal this for my own blog. I think I too have been focusing too much on angst lately.

  4. I'm supposin' you used leiderhosen when you wrote our good-bye poem for Germany. I was impressed then, I'm impressed now. I'm one of the people in #3, but I don't think I am more impressed than I should be. You are wonderfully talented.
